Award – Learning Experience Design & Online Teaching Award – UCI

Award presented by the UCI Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation
I am humbled to be the recipient of UCI's 2024 Learning Experience Design and Online Teaching Award

This past Spring, my heart was warmed by the comments of a former student, who anonymously nominated me for UCI's Learning Experience Design & Online Teaching Award:

Dr. Stacy Branham is one of the most caring professors when it comes to accommodations in regards to accessibility for those with disabilities or unforeseen circumstances. Whether this be through Zoom lectures, recorded lectures, or the set of rules she holds to ensure her class is as accessible as possible, she always puts her students first. She also has a minute dedicated to every lecture where she shares her "Accessibility Minute of the Day," where she showcases an innovation or story regarding accessibility and its importance in the new digital era.

I was invited to apply for the award (see my teaching statement), and I am delighted to share that I have been selected to receive the award at UCI’s annual Teach Day celebration!